Star Wars Sentinel Droid

  1. Star Wars Imperial Sentinel Droid
  2. Star Wars Sentinel Droids

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  1. Part of Holowan Mechanical's evergrowing line of IG-Series Combat Droids, the IG-86 Sentinel Droid was designed to function as a bodyguard or home security system for the wealthy. In practice, however, most IG-86 Droids are used for more sinister purposes.
  2. IG-86 Sentinel Droid gear levels, materials and recipes for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!
  3. The Sentinel Droid was made to appear Humanoid, or Android 'Most people have forgotten that 'droid' is short for 'android,' meaning manlike.' ―Lando Calrissian Androids were droids built to resemble humans. The word droid was an abbreviation of the word android, but nevertheless.

The Mark XII Sentinel Droid was a deriative of the venerable Sentinel-droid series of Jedi Civil War fame. Secretly revived in 16 ABY, they began production in 17 ABY under the aegis of the Outer Rim Manufacturing company, all production secretly being diverted to the Sith Covenant.

Name: Imperial Sentinel
Collection: Expanded Universe
Number: N/A
Source: Expanded Universe (Star Wars: Dark Empire)
Availability: 1998
License: Hasbro

Prepare to jump to lightspeed with Kenner's Expanded Universe, now offering the most memorable characters from Star Wars Dark Horse comics, Bantam novels, and LucasArts video games. Finally, the entire galaxy can be yours!

Six years after the destruction of the second Death Star, the galaxy is thrust into turmoil. A reborn evil threatens to enslave the galaxy, and the Republic's closest friend – Luke Skywalker – may become their greatest enemy.

At the doors of the evil Emperor's palace, giant Imperial Sentinels, twice the size and power of other Imperial guards, await their prisoner – the Jedi Master, Luke Skywalker.


You can probably look at Kenner’s Expanded Universe Imperial Sentinel as either a refined concept art figure, Atha Prime (a legendary 1986 Kenner canceled toy concept), or the actual Imperial Sentinel as reflected in the Star Wars: Dark Empire. Either way, this all-new sculpt will fill in nicely for any of the three because all three characters are almost identical. Made popular in the Star Wars: Dark Empire comics, the Imperial Sentinel’s design and look started years before the 1991 comic. The earliest concept art sketches for Return Of The Jedi showed a nearly identical Imperial Sentinel like design for what were to the Emperor’s Royal Guards in Episode VI. And Kenner was apparently so inspired by this design that they thought it should be the basis for the abandoned Atha Prime character that never came to fruition. We do, however, have the Dark Empire interpretation of the character, and aside from weak articulation, the tooling of the Imperial Sentinel is nonetheless impressive. Included with a gimmicky light port to make his eyes glow, the Imperial Sentinel will be on the top of most collectors’ wish lists for 1998. Part of Kenner’s dedicated Expanded Universe line, the Imperial Sentinel saw unfortunate limited distribution as The Power Of The Force “2” line experienced its greatest purge in years. Still, Kenner made great efforts to get these action figures out again and the Imperial Sentinel has since met fan demand.


With only four points of articulation, articulation junkies may not be able to find full favor with the Imperial Sentinel. Perhaps because this character has roots to the Emperor’s Royal Guard concept art (or maybe not), Kenner approached him very similarly to the way they did 1997’s POTF2 [FF/TKC] Emperor’s Royal Guard action figure. By this we mean that the figure only comes with four points of articulation, has a single lengthy weapon and a separately sculpted outer shell, which in this case is removable for the Imperial Sentinel. Sadly, the rest of the figure is a statue. It has no legs or feet, but just a large base for a lower body. But admittedly we cannot neglect to compliment how wonderful the tooling is and the amount of glorious detail Kenner has added to this long-awaited action figure. Interestingly, the bio describes the Imperial Sentinel as twice the size of the other Imperial guards, but this certainly isn’t the case when comparing the Imperial Sentinel to Kenner’s modern Emperor’s Royal Guard. Sure, it is slightly bigger than the average Kenner Star Wars action figure, but it isn’t noticeably huge as the bio suggests. Wider and bulkier? Yes. Tall and imposing? No. Even so, the design and all of the details have been incredibly captured. We know that this action figure will impress many collectors. And probably many more will want to army build this character.

Perhaps the best part of the Expanded Universe line of figures is the packaging, and that’s saying a great deal as we’re loose collectors and disregard packaging as a necessary evil. One of the thickest card backs we have ever encountered, Kenner worked in a “pop-up” diorama that captures a moment from the Star Wars: Dark Empire comics to serve as a beautiful backdrop for the Kenner action figure. What makes this completely special is that the artwork has been inspired from the comics and looks like the scenery has been pulled right from the pages of the storyline. A little bit of careful cutting will give you a glorious backdrop, but keep in mind that the MIP quality of this action figure instantly deteriorates to “nothing” if you decide to take advantage of this diorama…. which you should. It will be interesting to see how far Kenner will go to create characters from the comics that are adored by so many Star Wars fans across the globe. There are some amazing characters throughout them and it appears that they’re only touching the tip of the iceberg with what they can bring forth in a concentrated line. But if they come out minimally like the Imperial Sentinel, Star Wars collectors are going to be very thrilled.

Collector Notes

Star wars ig 86
Imperial Sentinel

Status: Imperial Sentinel is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 4 points (4 areas of articulation)


Articulation Details: swivel head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel waist (1)

Accessory Count: 2

Accessory Details: battle axe, removable cloak shell

Star Wars Imperial Sentinel Droid

Date Stamp: 1998

Collection: 2

Assortment Number: 69605/69887

UPC: 076281698878

Retail: $5.99 USD

Market Value:Click here to check the latest prices based on listings.

Expanded Universe

Star Wars Sentinel Droids

Added: December 4, 2015
Category:Expanded Universe
Reviewer:Paul Harrison
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The Sentinel Droid was designed for the purpose of maintaining security and apprehending lawbreakers. Based on ancient human replica droid technology, it was created to replace living soldiers, guards and other security personnel. The design is now antiquated and has been replaced with more capable and efficient droid designs; though at the time of production the Sentinel droid was the epitome of military droid technology.

Distinctive production features of the Sentinel droid included a light blaster rifle, which it could fire with uncanny precision, enhanced optics, allowing it to identify and track enemies or criminals easily, and basic weapon skills. This combination of features allowed the Sentinel droid the capabilities to serve as front-line soldiers, bodyguards, security personnel, bounty hunters or even as assassins. Though the Sentinel droid lacks the sophisticated programming of much deadlier assassin models and the domestic capabilities of protocol droids, they could be deployed en masse to overwhelm enemies with sheer numbers.

Being unique in function at the time of its release, the Sentinel line of droids created a new market for military and security forces. It made available a soldier that did not require sleep, food or training and was always on guard; basic maintenance would allow the droid a long operational life that would easily exceed the longevity of any of their organic counterparts.

Nearly four millennia ago the Sentinel droid saw first widespread use when it was deployed during a time of war. Both the Galactic Republic and the Sith used them in the capacity of front-line soldiers and the Republic would continue use them as security forces for many years after. It was considered the most advanced mass produced military model droid during this time period, but the Sentinel droid is now considered long past its prime. Most existing models can be found as deactivated exhibits in museums and personal antique collections, however they are infrequently used in an active capacity in the outlying areas of the galaxy; where modern security droids are too expensive or cannot be obtained.