Destiny 2 Clan Banner Creator

Destiny 2 clans can create easily and you can join the players independently and earn clan bonuses. Bonuses include perks, XP boost, and other rewards. To create or join the Destiny 2 clan, you need to go through some “red tape”. We hope that this guide on creating and join clans in Destiny 2 will help you when you are in trouble. If you already have a group of players ready to play together in Destiny 2, then you are ready to create your own clan on Bungie’s website. You will need to have a account. I created a clan with a friend. Got the clan banner from Hawthorne. I can't figure out what to do with it, though. Is there some way to display it? Unrelatedly, my clan uses the bunny icon on the banner. In a bright engram I got after making the clan, I got a bunny transmat effect. Your Clan Command Center. This is the ultimate web hosting platform that will make your clan thrive. Create your website and manage your entire clan with ease like never before. Beautiful Themes & Templates. Every clan needs a sick looking website. Our themes are designed by professional designers with interests in gaming. After joining a clan in Destiny 2, players can acquire a Clan Banner from Suraya Hawthorne, the Clan Steward. This Banner has six levels with offset XP requirements, and clan members can only contribute a total of 100,000 XP per week. Each level grants a specific bonus: Level 1 (0 XP) - Starting level, no bonus.

Creating a Clan and Admin Settings


Creating a Clan
Players can create a new Clan in the Destiny Companion which will designate them as the Clan Founder of the newly created Clan.

-To create a Clan, players should use the “Create Clan” button on the Clans page
-During the Clan creation process, the Clan Founder can set the Clan Name, Motto, and Mission Statement
-Once the Clan is created, the Clan Founder will be able to edit the Clan Name, Motto, and Mission Statement, as well as set the Clan Banner, change the Clan settings, and other Clan management tasks
-Clans must have a total of at least 2 members for the Clan, Clan Roster, and Clan Banner to show up in Destiny 2 and for the Clan members to begin earning Clan XP

Clan Admin Settings
The Clan Founders and Clan Admins can access their Clan Settings page to manage their Clan in the Destiny Companion.

Culture Fields: Edit the Clan Name, Motto, and Mission Statement
General Settings (Clan Founder Only): Edit the permissions for Admins, Clan Join options, Guided Games participation options, New Member ranks, and Clan Language
Edit Banner: Set the color and design of the Clan Banner
Invitations: Review or revoke Clan invitations
Banned: Ban or un-ban Clan members

Clan Enrollment and Membership
The Clan Founder can set the clan enrollment in the Destiny Companion.

Approval Required: If this enrollment option is chosen, players that use the request to join button will need to have their join request approved by the Clan Founder or a Clan Admin before they will be added to the Clan
Open Membership: If this enrollment option is chosen, players that use the request to join button will automatically be accepted into the Clan
Invite Only: If this enrollment option is chosen, the Clan Founder or Clan Admins will have to send invites to players before they can be accepted into the clan and any players that use the request to join button will receive a message that the Clan is closed to new members
Inviting Players: Clan Founders and Clan Admins can invite players to the Clan in Destiny 2 and in the Destiny Companion
Processing Join Requests: Clan Founders and Clan Admins can accept or deny requests to join the Clan in the Destiny Companion
Membership Limit: Total membership for all Clans is capped at 100 Destiny accounts
Multi-Platform Clans: Members of a Clan can be on any platform, however players that have joined the Clan on multiple platforms will have each Destiny account on a different platform count towards the 100 member limit

Managing Members
The Clan Founders and Clan Admins can manage the Clan roster from the Clan Settings page in the Destiny Companion.


-Clan Founders can promote members to Clan Admins or demote them
-Clan Founders can designate a Clan Admin to become the new Clan Founder
-Clan Founders can set Admin permissions and settings
-Clan Founders and Clan Admins (if settings permit) can promote or demote members to the rank of Member or Beginner
-Clan Founders and Clan Admins (if settings permit) can kick or ban Clan members
-Clan Founders and Clan Admins (if settings permit) can invite or accept pending join requests

Related Posts:

Destiny 2 Clans are finally taking off, with Bungie pushing the button to implement clan progression and banners. Most players are now able to converge with their clanmates and try to get back their light together. However, some are experiencing problems. There are reports of founders being unable to either create or modify clan banners, entire clans not getting rewards or clan XP, and more.

Destiny 2 clan banner problems

Clan banners are supposed to be picked up from Hawthorne, but she doesn’t want to play nice. Many players are having issues retrieving their banners from her, effectively stopping them from really joining a clan. Aside from that, admins and founders are supposed to have the ability to modify clan banners, but a large number of them are saying they can’t. If you’re one of them –remember, you have to do it from the Destiny Companion app, not the game itself. Aside from that, there’s no useful advice to share – wait for the devs to fix the issue.

Destiny 2 clan progression issues

According to Bungie, in order to enable clan progression, you’ll have to:

  • Have at least two members in your clan.
  • Make sure you have the clan banner.
  • Restart the game.

However, things aren’t working as intended. People are reporting not being able to get clan engram rewards from Hawthorne, clan XP not tallying and more. There’s really no workaroung here.Avoid clan activities until the devs repair the game.

Destiny 2 Clan Banner Creator Minecraft

Destiny 2 clan founders & admins demoted randomly

Some clan founders and admis have reported being randomly demoted. Affected admins could ask other admins from the clan to give them the title again. Founders, on the other hand, don’t have a way to transfer the title. If you’re affected by this, it seems like your only chance is to write to Bungie and hope they are willing to help.

Destiny 2 Clan Banner Creator Hack

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