De Dignitate Psalter Pdf

(the ways the Psalms are arranged in various breviary texts)
Please note
I have used the numbering of the Septuagint (also known as the 'Vulgate') version of the Psalms; the current (post Vatican II)
trend is to use the Hebrew numbering, sometimes followed by (or preceded by) the Septuagint numbering.

The Pre-Vatican II period

Psalter (the 'De Lisle Psalter'; 'Arundel 83 II'), including a Sarum calendar (ff. 117-122v), followed by 24 illustrations: 13 moral, devotional, and theological diagrams, 9 pages of images of the life of Christ, and two facing miniatures of the Madonna and child and the Crucifixion (ff. The Oration on the Dignity of Man (De hominis dignitate) is a famous public discourse pronounced in 1486 by Pico della Mirandola, an Italian scholar and philosopher of the Renaissance. It has been called the 'Manifesto of the Renaissance'. Dec 26, 2019 de dignitate psalter pdf Posted on December 26, 2019 Alanus de Rupe); (c. – 8 September ) was a Roman Catholic theologian noted for He established a Confraternity of the Psalter of the Glorious Virgin Mary, around which was instrumental in disseminating the rosary De dignitate et utilitate psalterii praecelsae ac intemeratae semper virginis. SECOND ROSE: ORIGIN AND NAME SINCE the Holy Rosary is composed, principally and in substance, of the Prayer of Christ and the Angelic Salutation, that is, the Our Father and the Hail Mary, it was without doubt the first prayer and the first devotion of the faithful and has been in use all through the centuries, from the time of the Apostles and disciples down to the present.

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SECTION I: 1900-1911 (pre Pius X's reform)

a) Parent texts -
ca. 540 - Monastic Psalter (St. Benedict - still used by some)

ca. 1346 - The Bridgettine Office of Our Lady(updated and translated, but

still used by some Bridgettine Nuns)

1535 - The Quiñonez (Breviary of the Holy Cross) Psalter.
1842 - Maurinum (Hungarian Benedictine Congregation of St. Maur)

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pre-1911 - Roman Rite(in use officially since the reform of the
Council of Trent)

b) some short breviary texts (original edition dates) - (to come)

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c) Four Psalter Schemas over 500 years -- and their influence on today's office.

d)The length of the pre-1911 office compared with the Pius X reform of 1911

(calculated by the number of psalm verses in each day's office).

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SECTION II: 1911 - 1970

a) Parent texts
1911 - Pius X Psalter
1957 - Breviarium Ambrosianum (Ambrosian Rite)
b) some short breviary texts: (original edition dates)
1911 - The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary
1928 - Laienbrevier (Maria Laach)
1933 - Volksbrevier, (Fleischmann)
1935 - Bruederoffizium, (St. Ottilien)
1941 - A Short Breviary (St. John's Abbey)

1941 - Oratio Vespertina (Vilma G. Little), Stanbrook Abbey Press.
1948 - Officium Divinum Parvum, (Fleischmann) [English, 1959]
1950 - Klein Brevier - The Little Breviary ( Stallaert) [English, 1957]
1951 - Livre d'Heures - Book of Hours (En Calcat) [English - 1955/6]
1955 - The Anglican Breviary (Frank Gavin Liturgical Foundation)
(uses Pius X Psalter distribution), [reprinted 1998]
1959 - L'Office de la sainte Vierge - Office of Our Lady
(En Calcat) [English -1962]
1963 - Morning Praise and Evensong (Storey)

The Post-Vatican II period
(1970 - present)

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SECTION I: 1970 - present

a) Parent texts ( to come )
1971 - Liturgia Horarum, 1971/72 & 1985/86/87
1974 - The Divine Office (for the UK) (same Psalm scheme as Liturgia
1975 - The Liturgy of the Hours (for the US - same Psalm scheme as above
but contains additional Psalm Prayers)
b) The Monastic World (to come)
pre-1977 - Monastic office experimentation (with authorization)
1971 - St. John's Abbey Prayer, St. John's Abbey, Collegeville, Minnesota.
1977 - Thesaurus Liturgiae Horarum Monasticae schemas for the
Benedictine Confederation
a) OT & NT Canticle listing
b) Schema 'A'
c) Schema 'B' (Fueglister)
d) Schema 'C' (Scheyern)
e) Schema 'D' (Waddel)
- Other schemas
a) The Carthusians
b) The Cistercians (Trappists) at New Melleray, Iowa
c) (Current)St. John's Abbey Prayer, St. John's Abbey,
Collegeville, Minnesota
d) (Current Psalter distribution)St. Meinrad's Archabbey,
St. Meinrad, Indiana
e) Portsmouth Abbey, Portsmouth, Rhode Island.
e) The Benedictine Sisters of Erie, Pa., 1985 (five week
Morning and Evening Prayer in inclusive
f) Cistercians (Trappists) at Genesee Abbey(this is a link
to the Abbey's website; the psalms are numbered
in the Hebrew version.)
c) some short breviary texts: (original edition dates)
1969 - Christuslob am Morgen und Abend (see also 1977 edition)

1970 - The St. Columba Breviary ('The Legion of Mary Breviary')
1974 - Daily Prayer (for the UK) (Morning, Midday, Evening, Night Prayer
from the Divine Office, with the same Psalm scheme as
the Divine Office.
1975 - The Little Office of Our Lady of Mt. Carmeland
(1988) The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
1975 - Book of Prayer for Personal Use (A Short Breviary, 4th edition)
(same Psalm scheme as 1971 Liturgia Horarum)
1976 - Morning and Evening Prayer (for the UK) (Morning, Evening,
Night Prayer from the Divine Office, with the same Psalm scheme
as the Divine Office.
1976 - Christian Prayer (Morning, Midday, Evening, Night Prayer from
the Liturgy of the Hours, with the same Psalm scheme and Psalm
Prayers; one edition includes selections from the Office of
Readings (St. Paul Editions).
1976 - A Monastic Breviary (The Order of the Holy Cross and The Order
of Saint Helena), Anglican/Episcopal.
1977 - Christuslob (successor to Officium Divinum Parvum), compiled and
edited by Maurus Neuhold, OSB and Heinrich Rohr. This is not
the first post - Vatican II edition or change; the most recent
changed edition was in 1992 and is regularly reprinted.
It continues to be popular with some laymen and several
Religious communities, even though 'official' versions of the
German Liturgy of the Hours are available.

1981 - Diurna Laus - the 4 week Psalter (of the reformed Ambrosian Rite office)
1983 - (UK edition) - A Shorter Morning and Evening Prayer (same Psalm
scheme as the Divine Office - 1974)
1984 - The Office of Readings (for the US) (same Psalm scheme as 1971
Liturgia Horarum) - (St. Paul Editions)
1987 - (US edition) - A Shorter Morning and Evening Prayer (same Psalm
scheme, including Psalm prayers, as the Liturgy of the Hours.
1988 - Shorter Christian Prayer (same Psalm scheme, including Psalm
prayers, as the Liturgy of the Hours.
1979 - Lord, Hear Our Prayer (McNally/Storey)
1979 - Morning and Evening Prayer (Regina Press)
1983 - Morning and Evening Prayer (Galley - ECUSA)

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1992 - Christuslob - Spezialausgabe ( music by Rohr, publ by Herder)
1993 - A look at 2 Hungarian schemas

1997 - Work of God: Benedictine Prayer (Sutera)
1997 - Benedictine Oblate Companion (St. Meinrad's Archabbey,
St. Meinrad, Indiana.)
2005 - Benedictine Daily Prayer,ed Johnson, Liturgical Press, Collegeville, Minnesota

updated October 1, 2006

added July 14, 1999
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